Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Rhythm

I think all athletes talk about finding 'the rhythm'.

I definitely see this in cycling.  I love the rhythm of the bike.

And when you are feeling good, it is effortless.  The rhythm seems to carry you.

When you hit a hill, with a little extra effort, you can maintain that rhythm.

But once you lose the rhythm, it takes a lot of effort to get it back.

Before you find the rhythm, it can feel like work - even drudgery.  The action of cycling requires your full attention.  You don't stop to smell the roses because you don't even see the roses.

After you find the rhythm, you are set free to enjoy the world around you as you let the rhythm do all the work. You see things you've never seen before. You hear things you've never heard before. And you have a new found grace for others on the road who are still trying to find the rhythm.

The rhythm feels good and right and satisfying.  And you'd like to stay here all the time.

You can talk about the rhythm, and make lists of everything that help you find your rhythm, but you can't give it to anyone else. 

Each cyclist has to find it for themselves.

Cycling is a lot like life.


  1. It's funny that you posted this today, since on my ride earlier I was thinking about how the wind even sounds different when the rhythm is working -- or in my case today -- when the rhythm is hard to find.

  2. Nice inaugural post! You better post regularly or you'll lose your rhythm.


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